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Maggie & Brad {Married}

August 22, 2011
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Prepare yourself for an overload of pure wedding bliss! I’m pretty sure I went a tad overboard with images & I’ll probably get all mushy-gushy-lovey (don’t hate–they’re all words!). But it’s my blog, and I’ll do what I want 😉

I first met Maggie & Brad at their e-session in the late Spring & I could instantly tell how crazy in love they are. I’d been looking forward to their wedding ever since then & it totally lived up to my expectations–you’ll see 😉

PhotobucketLet’s get things started off with a ring shot; I’m lovin’ the green fabric on this chair!


PhotobucketI’m also just a teensy bit in love with this shot of Maggie’s dress…






PhotobucketI was also excited to have Courtney from C.Maries Photography helping me out at this wedding. This shot of Maggie’s “something blue” is courtesy of Courtney! Don’t you just love them?!


PhotobucketIf you remember Maggie from her e-session, you remember how freakin’ gorgeous she is! Taking pictures of her is a piece of cake 🙂


PhotobucketMom helping with the finishing touches.




PhotobucketGotta get the groom all fancied up, too!




PhotobucketI snapped this photo right after the ceremony–showing off the new bling to her girls!


PhotobucketMaggie’s bridesmaids were so great! They laughed all day so getting this shot was pretty easy…and of course, I love it 🙂


PhotobucketDon’t let the ladies get all the credit–the guys were lookin’ pretty good, too!


PhotobucketMaggie–you’re so fierce in this one!




PhotobucketCan I just take a second and say how beautiful all of the bridesmaids are, too? I better be getting calls from you ladies when it’s your turn to tie the knot…


PhotobucketMaggie–you’re just STUNNING! Brad, you did good…and you look pretty handsome, yourself 😉





One of my favorites…


PhotobucketYou know you have an AWESOME couple when you ask them if they’d like to climb on top of washers at the Fluff ‘n’ Fold…and they don’t even hesitate with their approval!




PhotobucketYou guys are so stinkin’ cute! Love these 🙂


PhotobucketAnother fave…so glad we found this random shed!


PhotobucketCouple’s first dance amazingness!


PhotobucketProbably my absolute favorite from the day; you just can’t duplicate the emotions here! I could try a hundred more times to get this in a shot & it wouldn’t look nearly as true as it does right here. In LOVE with this one 🙂


PhotobucketSo Maggie & Brad did this super fun dance to a song from the musical/movie Grease. It was awesome! Thanks again to Courtney for these great shots 🙂

Maggie & Brad–I can’t thank you enough for choosing me to capture all these moments from your wedding day. The love you two have for each other is what others dream of finding–so treasure it forever! I just know that 50 years from now, you’ll be that adorable old couple walking through the park–still holding hands, still right by each others side. Congratulations!

*Feel free to use these photos, but please DO NOT crop out the logo. Thanks!

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